Friday, 15 May 2009

You too can be a satirist.

Hello fellow dwellers of cyber land.  I have decided to share with you the joys of what it means to be a satirist.  The first thing is call yourself a satirist not  a comedy writer. That way when people find you unfunny you can glower at them.  Because they are either hopelessly innocent about the world or a fascist.  A satirist is never unfunny merely misunderstood.

Number 2 write reams of topical sketches and send them out to; stage shows (who will use them if if they use words ruder than bum and imply everyone in power is gay), the BBC who will ignore them and MPs.  MPs won't produce them but if you're sufficently offenisve may have Special Branch beat you up (which is better than being ignored).

Or you can write songs.  If you can rhyme Gordon Brown and arsehole to the tune of Agadoo then you could be a musical satirist.  

More likely you'll end up spending all your time on a forum for comedy writers.  These can be quite fun  especially once you've selected a hilarious comedy nom de plume.  Maybe Hugh-suck or Badger-badger-badger.  Because basically it's only your brother (or sister) comedy writers who'll read your stuff.  Some forums have been known to descend into self anihilating madness as each writer pretends to be the BBC Head of comedy and gives their papal blessing to all the other writers.

Oh and do write some actual jokes.  Easy to forget that most people do like jokes.  Normal straight forward joke type things.

For example.

Why did the chicken cross the road?  Cos it dissed it's mum.

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