Monday, 25 May 2009

Irish abuse report my 2 pennies.

Can anything positive come out of the awful abuse scandals in Ireland? I suppose there is one possibility...
Why not reopen one Industrial school, just the one mind. And instead of filling it with misfortunate impoverished kids, why not fill it with shouty, Tax dodging Oirish celebs.

Bono, Geldoff that bloke who writes boring books about eating his mum (Angelas Hashes?). Then beat and abuse them until they agree to pay taxes and stop telling the rest of the world how to live their lives, whilst never mentioning in any serious way the problems in their homeland.

Oh and dresses in black, doesn't have sex, obeys an old bloke in a robe? Priests are far to similar to Darth Vader to be put in charge of kids.

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