Saturday, 6 June 2009

Funny terrorists

There is one thing that Dr Sardonicus thinks is ace about Hamas, only one thing mind.
And that is they seem to have a rather wicked sense of humour.
David Hare in his latest essay on the wall (the 15 meter high Israeli one, Mr Hare seems fairly ambivalent about Pink Floyd's seminal album). He describes how their latest form of torture is to show the victim a drawing of a bicycle at the top of a flight of stairs. If said victim can go and fetch the bicycle they won't beat them savagely.

Bloody genius, it's the kind of torture Dr Sardonicus would invent. Postmodern and making the poor victim realise they're the victim of a Chris Morris style prank even as you womp them (could he be in Hamas has anyone seen him in a balaclava?)

But it goes further every one's heard of Farfour right? Hamas produced a TV program for kids in Gaza which stars Farfour. Farfour is a man in a rubbish Mickey Mouse costume with a squeaky voice who encourages eager young beavers to go out and be good citizens (kinda like Blue Peter but with suicide bombings instead of building Tracy Island), that is until the Mossad beat him to death. He was then replaced by a rabbit in funny trousers who declared he was going to eat the flesh of the Zionists. Remember this is a giant rabbit.

The ultimate punchline being good old Farfour, his brother the rabbit and another one which was a bee, were the kids of a rather ordinary elderly Palestinian couple. Now that is funny.
They never seemed to film the scene where Daddy Farfour said to Mummy Farfour,
"Darling one of our kids is a giant mouse, another a rabbit and the third is a talking bee are you an interspecies slapper?"

This is the kind of propaganda The League of Gentlemen would make.

So why is Dr Sardonicus musing upon the sense of Hamas?

Because this week The Red Rose a radical US gay rights group delivered their protest at Obama's speech to the White House. Can Dr Sardonicus say eh? Hamas kill gay people, Israel doesn't. Infact Israel's record on gay human rights is rather good.

Dr Sardonicus supposes that in the past terrible wars have driven oposing groups into each others arms. Communists, royalists, anarchists all fought Germany, heck even fascists towards the end. But Israel isn't Nazi Germany, it isn't occupying multiple countries at once and threatening to snuff out the flickering light of freedom for ever. So why are radical gay groups helping homophobic guys with rifles and hard hearts (and a wicked sense of humour) get their message across? Let's leave for the moment that President Obama's speech was blandly middle of the road (Dr Sardonicus was surprised he didn't suggest cats would sleep with dogs and give birth to mice).

The answer is they lost. Or it feels to them that they did, them and the million people who marched against the Iraq war. Communism collapsed women won equal rights in employment and other areas and carried on pretty much doing what they'd done before, but on equal pay. The revoloution was over.

More on this in another blog. But in the mean time please remember your enemies enemy is not neccasairly your friend. He may well be a loony in a balaclava shouting at some to fetch an imaginary bike whilst he kicks them up the arse.
He may even be a flesh eating giant rabbit. Neither are much use in the fight for equal rights.

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