Tuesday, 15 December 2009

More good news.

Dr Sardonicus has been trawling the news for good news and ...has found some!

1 2 Islamic fundamentalists were eaten by a bear in whose cave they were hiding. Booyaka Shah! Take that you Godless religious fundamentalists. Yogi's servin' up pickanic baskets of justice. Now hurry up Obama get down to Washington Zoo and release all the bears from their cages none of them have had fair trials (well apart from Paddington who I believe was smuggling cocaine from darkest Peru). And lets start arresting and waterboarding the cows. They're farts are destroying the polar bear's environment. Remember in the War of Error there is only one enemy and that enemy is common sense.

2 Gordon Brown spent a night sleeping with the British Army in the desert. Crikey that looks so rude I won't edit it. Mind you the Lying Scotsman is so desperate I reckon he would offer his saggy arse to anyone for a vote or 2.

I do like the idea of him spending a night under canvas like a Billy no Mates on a camping trip. Crying softly because Dave Cameron got invited to smoke fags with the hard lads in the SAS's tent.

I do hope somewhere out there is footage of a press conference given by Gordon. His eyebrows shaved off, "I am gay" written on his forehead in permanent ink, in his Yfronts after some of the bigger lads stucks his trousers up a tree. Oddly I think it might make him look more dignified than constantly failing to tax outrageous city bonuses.

3 Boris Johnson scared a bunch of violent school girls away by calling them Oiks. Hoorah! Unlike Gotham we made our brave vigilante mayor. I propose a Boris Bike like an enviromentally friendly Batmobile, a Boris Signal and perhaps Dave Cameron as Bobbins (like Robin but rubbish). And I hate to say it but for once he has stolen a lead on my fave Red Ken.
Who only managed to beat people up at parties and insult the occaisonal Jew.

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